Disclaimer: The following template was created by a lawyer (https://drschwenke.de) in accordance with the typical requirements associated with an online shop. You should nevertheless only apply the template further to careful scrutiny and adaptation to your specific business model. In order to assist you in doing so, the following template contains additional notes that must be adhered to as well as red passages that require special attention and, where applicable, adaptation. Please delete the notes once you have worked your way through the template. Take legal advice if you are unsure about particular elements. Copyright: You are only permitted to use the template within the respective domain/website if the latter is covered by your Marketpress license. The passing on of this template to third parties (including customers, e.g. as developers) is prohibited.

Notice for consumers on the cancellation of contracts for the supply of digital content that is not supplied on a physical medium (e.g. an e-book or a software download)

Cancellation policy

A consumer is any natural person who completes a legal transaction for purposes that are for the most part not attributable to any professional activity of either a commercial or self-employed nature they engage in.

Right of cancellation

You have the right to cancel this contract without giving reasons within a fourteen-day cancellation period that begins on the day on which the contract is concluded. In order to exercise your right of cancellation you must notify us ([please insert: name/company, address of cancellation recipient, telephone number, email address, fax number (if you have one); you can also use the shortcode and save the address in your EN settings]) of your decision to cancel this contract by means of an unequivocal declaration (e.g. in the form of a letter sent by post, a fax or an email). You can – but are not required to – use the cancellation form template appended to this cancellation policy. You will be deemed to have complied with the aforementioned cancellation period if your letter, fax or email notifying us of the use of your right of cancellation was sent prior to the expiry of the cancellation period.

Consequences of cancellation
If you cancel this contract we are required to pay back all payments we have received from you (including delivery costs but excluding additional costs incurred as a result of you selecting a different delivery type to the standard, lowest cost delivery type we offer) without delay and within a maximum period of fourteen days from the date on which we receive your correspondence notifying us of your cancellation of this contract. Repayment occurs using the same payment type you used for the original transaction unless otherwise agreed with you; you will not be charged any fees in connection with repayment.

Cancellation form template

(If you wish to cancel the contract please fill out this form and send it back to us.)
– To [please insert: name/company, address of cancellation recipient, email address, fax number (if you have one)]:
– I/we (*) hereby cancel the contract I/we (*) concluded for the purchase of the following goods (*)/ the delivery of the following service (*)
– Ordered (*)/Received (*)
– Name of consumer(s)
– Address of consumer(s)
– Signature of consumer(s) (only required if the cancellation is submitted in paper form)
– Date
(*) Delete as appropriate.

Exclusion and premature expiry of the right of cancellation
The right of cancellation does not apply to contracts for the supply of digital content that is not prefabricated and whose fabrication is either defined by the options selected and purposes intended by the consumer or clearly tailored to the consumer’s personal requirements. The right of cancellation expires prematurely if we only commence the performance of the contract after you grant your express consent and thus confirm your awareness of the fact that you lose your right of cancellation upon such time as we commence the performance of the contract. We point out that we are entitled to make the aforementioned consent and confirmation a prerequisite for the conclusion of the contract.

Ihr Warenkorb

Wir sind im Urlaub!

Liebe Kundin, lieber Kunde,
vom 17.08. – 01.09.2024 sind wir im Betriebsurlaub und nicht erreichbar.
Ab dem 02.09.2024 sind wir gerne wieder für Sie da. 
Ihr happy-verleih Team